Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Raspberry PI Instructables class

Please sign up for the Instructables Raspberry PI class found:


This is a 10 lesson class.  I want you to go through this class self paced.  You will have all week to complete it.  You will not actually be building all the hardware, but you will want to review all lessons to be able to answers the questions.  Turn your answers in to Jupiter.

Lesson 1
  1. Who is the creator or the Push_Reset?
  2. What is the end goal of this Instructables project?
  3. What is a Raspberry PI?
  4. What are the main "flavors" of the RPi family?
  5. Who Created the Raspberry PI?
  6. Why is it called a Raspberry PI?
  7. What Assumptions are made about you, the student?
Lesson 2
  1. What is a Pi Hat?
  2. What Pi Hat is recommended?
  3. What size monitor is required?
Lesson 3
  1. How many GPIO does a RPI have?
  2. List all the "input" & "output" ports
  3. Is a wireless mouse & Keyboard recommended? if so , why?
  4. What does NOOBS stand for?
  5. What is the recommended method to setup your keyboard preferences?
  6. If you want to change the Mouse and Keyboard settings, where do you do it?
  7. Who is the Japanese sci-fi illustrations artist mentioned
Lesson 4 (part 1)
  1. What does an OS do?
  2. What are the 2 ways to get around in the Raspberry PI software?
  3. _____________ are found on the Tool bar?
  4. Does the RPi have a on/of switch?
  5. Is it OK to just pull the power plug to turn off your RPI?
  6. what is the recommended way to turn off the RPi?  
  7. At the command prompt when you see $ what that mean?  What does it mean when you see # at the command prompt?
  8. What is "scrot"?
  9. What is "sudo" used for?
  10. What cool jewelry is Lara wearing?  would you get one?
Lesson 4 (part 2)
    Watch the TED talk (20 min).  What did you learn, that you did not know before?
    1. Who Created Linux?
    2. Why did he create Linux?
    3. How long has he been working on it?
    4. What school did his "friend" who introduced him to "open Sourced community" come from? 
    5. What was Linus Torvalds biggest worry about what would happen to his Linux project?
    6. When he was 21, and people started looking at his code, what did he think was an amazing revelation?
    7. Does Linus "love" other people?
    8. Did his Linux project just "take off" at some point?
    9. How was Linus involved in "GIT" and why did he work on it?  and did people "love it"?  
    10. What was the tool he used before "GIT"? Did he like it? - CVS... No, he hated it
    11. What did his Sister say about him? - His biggest exceptional quality was that "he would not let go"
    12. What did Linus say about other peoples feelings?
    13. What doe the work he used mean?
    14. What would happen if Linux had to design a pretty UI (User Interface)?.
    Lesson 5
    1.  What does "apt-get update" command do?
    2. If you tried to run it, do it work?  What did you need to change?
    3. How do you get an install install with out continuing to ask yes/no to continue?
    4. How do you remove an application?  What is the command?  
    5. Create a short text file.  turn it in with these answers. (hint, you should be able to save a file to you google drive, or even log in to Jupiter)
    6. While We will not be using a camera right now (because we don't have any), what is another shell script you can write?  Create a simple shell script.  It could be something simple, like get the current time, and print some thing every minute...
    7. How do you find other packaged that might exist? How do you search?
    8. What command do you use to see if a specific package exists?
    9. How do you find any dependencies that package might have?  What is that command?
    Lesson 6
    1.  What is this lesson about?
    2. How do you tell the RPi to play sound from the Audio Jack?
    3. Were you able to install mpg321?
    4. Where you able to play an mp3 file?
    5. Using pygame.mixer, can you play a sound file?
    6. Using pygame.movie can you play a movie?
    1. Work through the SonicPI tutorial.
    2. Play a "song" with at least 4 notes
    3. Create and play a sign wave
    4. Create a new "song"
    Lesson 7
    1. Turn in a python3 script that you wrote as part of working through Lesson 7
    Lesson 8
    1.  We will do Lesson 8 as a class lab... so you can skip this or not... if you are ahead, you can work through this lab, or wait for when we do this as a class... you choose.
    Lesson 9
    1.  We will do Lesson 9 as a class lab... so you can skip this or not... if you are ahead, you can work through this lab, or wait for when we do this as a class... you choose.
    Lesson 10
    1. We may do something here... but tell me what type of booth you would build.

    Other Instructables:

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