Monday, January 30, 2017

Python - Basic HTTP Requests

What you need to run this Basic HTTP Requests lab:

While you could probably do this better on a Kali Linux box,, I'm going to document this for a Windows platform running with an installation of Cygwin and Python 3.0.  This lab can be run on a real or virtual machine.


Learn a Python networking Basic HTTP Requests methods and techniques.

Using HEAD to Grab HTTP Banners

In a Cygwin Terminal window, and CD to where you are saving your python files and create a new file

cat >
# python3 script to make a HTTP REquest

then <cntr>d.  

This will save a file.  you can then open it in Notepad++ or VIM 

add this code, as shown below:

import socket
s = socket.socket()

target = input('Input Target host URL: (like')
tport = 80

s.connect((target, tport))
s.send(('HEAD / HTTP/1.1\nHost: ' + target + '\n\n').encode())



The first line imports the "socket" library, which contains networking functions.
The second  line is to set a time out, so you don't hang if there is an issue with the connection
The third  line prompts user for target URL
The forth line selects the target port
The fifth makes the connection request

The sixth line sends the HTTP header request
The seventh receives data from the server and prints it, up to a maximum of 1024 characters.
The eighth line closes the connection.

Running the HTTP Request python script

In the Cygwin Terminal window, execute this command:


You should see an HTTP banner request, as shown below:

Grabbing the Attack Server Banner

Use your program to grab the banner from It should show a banner like that shown below:
Capture this image and let me know what the server information is.  Turn in to Jupiter

In another tab, open Sam's blog to just click on his form which I don't have working here... but will soon  -

On his password form, about 1/3 down the page, enter a username of "a" and a password of "b"

Now run Wireshark, and start it sniffing traffic. At the top left of the Wireshark window, in the Filter box, type http and press Enter. (I know we have not really learned about WireShark, so we will walk through this in class)

Now gor back to Sam's blog and re=enter the User ID and Password form.  Again log in with a username of "a" and a password of "b"

In Wireshark, stop the capture.

Find the packet in Wireshark with an "Info" column of "POST /python/login1.php HTTP/1.1", as shown below:

Right-click the "POST /python/login1.php HTTP/1.1" line and click "Follow TCP Stream".

The POST request appears, as shown below. The red text shows the HTTP request your browser sent to the server, and the blue text shows the server's reply.

Making a Python Login Script

In your Cygwin window copy the file you just created from to

 now you can open this in notepad++ or even VIM... but I would go with notepad++

You are going to PASTE some text from WireShark here.  Go back to the WireShark  TCP trace report dialog.

With the mouse, highlight the entire red request, right-click it, and click Copy, as shown below.

PASTE this into your Notepad++ file as show below

Now make the following edits:

Enclose the entire request in triple " " " quotation marks, and add "req = " to the start of it, as shown below. The text turns another color, maybe orange? --it is a multi-line text string, a handy Python feature.

Now make sure you also have code that looks like this:

import socket
s = socket.socket()
s.connect(("", 80))

Note: to run this in Python 2.x edit the following lines


Running the Login Script

If you run this in python3, you still get an error, but that is because of the format that is returned with Encrypted data... and probably just that we don't have the encode/decode formatting right.  If you run this with the python2.7 edits, it works, but returns some data that is not human readable.

in the wireshark TCP trace data that you pasted into the python script, delete the following line:

Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate

This lets the data get returned with out gzip'ing it.  Save your python script to a new name (so you can see the before and after) and rerun it.

Running the Login Script Again


Making the Username and Password Variable

Now you will want to copy your to, and make the following edits

You will have some POST string that ends like this:

  Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1
  Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  Content-Length: 7


The Post parameter/value pairs donpt always have to be in the same order, and I have seen it chage, and the web server parameters are changed.  In this case, the "Content-Length: 7" where the "7" is referring to the langth of the UserID and Password that is getting passed in "u=a&p=b".  This would change if the userID and password was changed from say... u=bob&p=pa$$w0rd then the Length would change from 7 to 16.  What is going on is that the "u=" and the "&p=" is = to 5 characters, plus the additional length of the UserID and Password character count.

Delete the the "7" and userID and Password line, to make it look like this:

  Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1
  Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Then add the following code to add variables for user, pw, and length

user = input("Username: ")
pw = input("Password: ")
length = len(user) + len(pw) + 5

Then edit the s.send((req),encode())To look like the following, where you are adding in your variables

s.send((req + str(length) + '\n\n' + "u=" + user + "&p=" + pw + '\n').encode())


and the result will be like the following:


If your script doesn't work, use Wireshark to capture the request so you can see mistakes in it.

Awesome... You now have a Python HTTP Post password script

Now run the login script again, with the correct username of root and a password of password
You should see the message "Successful login!", as shown below:

For an example of this code, see jimTheSTEAMClown github Python-CyberSecurity-Code

Source: Sam Bowne, and AWESOME Cyber Security Instructor.  I met him at the 2017 WIT Conference, and had to give him a hug, for all the cool Cyber Labs he has published on his site specifically the link to  his WITC class Python Scripting for Cyber Security Professionals

Jan 30 2017 - What Are We Doing In Class Today?

Entrance Ticket -LinkedIn - Go and create an account.  If you have one already, then tune your profile.
Class Agenda:
  • Entry Ticket - 15  min
  • Lets talk about Linked In, and how I use it
  • WoHoooooo Lets install WireShark
  • Linked-In training
  • Python- Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python) -Class Resources
  • Future Crime - Reading - Stand up and get your books.. Turn to page ?? 
  • Hub?

Friday, January 27, 2017

A program to convert Celsius temps to Fahrenheit

def main():
    celsius = eval(input("What is the Celsius temperature? "))
    fahrenheit = (9/5) * celsius + 32
    print("The temperature is ",fahrenheit," degrees Fahrenheit.")

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Now hiring for Summer Camps @ The Tech

Ever dreamed of working in a world-class museum environment? This is the perfect time to join the Galileo community and apply to work at The Tech Museum of Innovation this summer!
Imagine spending your summer as a Lead Instructor at Summer Camps @ the Tech, a program powered by Galileo. Be an inspiration to 4th-8th graders while teaching incredible classes like:
  • 3D Animation
  • 3D Printing
  • Animal MD
  • Arduino Bots
  • BioTech: Active Accessories
  • Circuits and Electronics
  • Coasters and Contraptions
  • Chem Lab Creations
  • Coding
  • CSI: The Tech
  • Digital Film
  • iOS App Development
  • Junior MD
  • Kitchen Chemistry
  • Mobile Game Design
  • Virtual Reality
signing bonuses
  • Based at The Tech Museum of Innovation in Downtown San Jose (additional locations throughout the Bay Area and Los Angeles)
  • 2-10 week commitment, depending on position (day camp program, housing not provided)
  • Training provided for the curriculum. If you're not an expert but are willing to learn, we'll teach you!
Galileo is looking for exceptional educators, experienced leaders, working professionals, and college and high school students who will make career-defining discoveries while inspiring Galileo campers at The Tech Museum of Innovation. Galileo is a summer job, but to many it is also a community, a career path, an educational movement, a ridiculous amount of fun, and an inspiration to create positive change in the world. Apply for a Lead Instructor position at the Tech today! Questions? Call us at (510) 595-7293 x2 or email us at
Our hiring process is competitive, and positions fill on a rolling basis.

Jan 29 2017 - What Are We Doing In Class Today?

Entrance Ticket -Jupiter
Class Agenda:
  • Entry Ticket - 20-30  min

  • Future Crime - Reading - Stand up and get your books.. Turn to page ?? 
  • 2:20 - 3;20 Robotics club

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

# File:
# A simple program illustrating chaotic behavior
def main():
    print ("This program illustrates a chaotic function")
    x = eval(input("Enter a number between 0 and 1: "))
    for i in range(10):
        x = 3.9 * x * (1 - x)

Thursday, January 19, 2017

VIM - let's take a quick walk around...


The granddaddy of Unix text editors, vi, is infamous for its difficult, non-intuitive command structure. On the bright side, vi is powerful, lightweight, and fast. Learning vi is a Unix rite of passage, since it is universally available on Unix-like systems. On most Linux distributions, an enhanced version of the traditional vi editor called vim is used

Lets open our first file in VIM

in a Cygwin shell type

    vim myFirstVIM

This will open vim in edit mode, and it will start in "command" mode.  Click on the insert key.  This will put the VIM editor in insert mode.  If you click the insert  again, it will be put in replace mode... now click   again to go back to insert  mode.

You should be able to start typing...  Type

    echo "Hello World"

To be able to quit, you need to get VIM back into command mode... to do this click the ESC key

To write and quit  Type ZZ
To quit with our saving type :q

If the file has not been changed, the :q will quit... if the file has changed, when you use ;q  you will be warned and asked if you really want to quit with out saving...

To force a quit with out saving type :q!

Now you should be back to the Cygwin $ prompt.  If you type ls, you should see that the file has been written.  If you cat myFirstVIM, you should see what you typed.

To reopen the file, type vim myFirstVIM

This will again put you back to vim in command mode.  to get back to edit mode, click on the insert key.

Type some more.. then ESC and ZZ to exit

Now type vimtutor and spend about 20-30 min doing the tutorial

See for more quit start guide
here is another
and this good link

Jan 19 2017 - What Are We Doing In Class Today?

Entrance Ticket -As a class we will watch and review lesson 6, 7 and 8 of

turn in Overview of the 3 videos to  Jupiter Assignments
Class Agenda:
  • Entry Ticket - 20-30  min
  • OK... Sorry, but we are going to learn VIM.  Click here for a quick VIM lab and Tutorial
  • Cygwin - Creating a Bash script
    • Open a cygwin console window 
  • Future Crime - Reading - Stand up and get your books.. Turn to page ?? 
  • Career Fair on Jan 25 projects
    • 2-3 Min Demos -Explain how it works in 3-5 slides 
  1. Robot Hand - Robert Loeffler, William Wright
  2. Server Rack & NetAcademy - Gillman Aquino, Aiden Bryan, Carlos Espinoza
  3. DDoS Demo - Andrew Diaz, Tiana Hernandez
  4. DigiSpark - Nikolas Banh, Corbin Naderzad
  5. Vertual Machines - Collin Foster, Giovanni Moreno, Dameon Wright
  6. Rubber Duck - Brian Guillen, Ruben Limon-Prado, Diallo Boubacar
  7. Cygwin - Ryan Van-Unen
  8. Enigma Demo - Christy Nguyen, Jimmy Nguyen
  9. Simple Virus - Vincent Francis, Eric Hoang
  • Class cleanup projects Plan - Signup for a Job
    • Resistors from Bags to Bins
    • See what Capacitors we have - use Blue post-it notes (black bins)
    • See what TTL Logic Chips we have - use Blue post-it notes (pink bins)
    • Build Server Rack Stand

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Python - Basic Port Scanning Lab

What you need to run this Basic Port Scanning lab:

While you could probably do this better on a Kali Linux box,, I'm going to document this for a Windows platform running with an installation of Cygwin and Python 2.7.  Note: you can run this in Python3.x, but you need to fix the print() This lab can be run on a real or virtual machine.


Learn very basic Python networking techniques.

Making A Very Simple Banner Grabber

In a Cygwin Terminal window, (or open a new Notepad++ file and save it as

cat >

Then while in the cat command, enter this code, as shown below:

    import socket
    s = socket.socket()

    s.connect(("", 22))

    print s.recv(1024)


The first line imports the "socket" library, which contains networking functions.
The second line creates a socket object named "s".
The third line connects to the server "" on port 22.
The fourth line receives data from the server and prints it, up to a maximum of 1024 characters.
The fifth line closes the connection.

Running the Grabber python script

In the Cygwina Terminal window, execute this command:


You should see an SSH banner, as shown below:

Adding a Timeout to the port request Python scrip

Open the script in an editor again.

Change the port number from 22 to 80, as shown below, and save the modified file.

 Run the script again. What happened?  HTTP servers typically don't return a banner, and is actually waiting for a correctly formed port request, so it just freezes up, waiting for a banner. It can take a long time to time out.  To stop the script, press Ctrl+C.

You should see the following:

To make it timeout more quickly, add this line to your script, as shown below:


Run the script again. Now it times out, as shown below:

Using Variables in your Python script

Execute this command to copy your script to a new script named


Modify to use variables. Create for the target and tport variables.  this is so that later you can more quickly change the port you are connecting to.

    target = ""
    tport = 80

    s.connect((target, tport))

 Your script should now look like this:

 Save and run the script.  It should time out in a few seconds, just as it did before.

Updating your Python script to accept User Input

Execute this command to copy your script to a new script named


Modify the program to input the target and port from the user, as shown below.

   target = raw_input('Input Target URL: ')
   tport = raw_input('Input Target Port: ')

Save and run the script. Enter a URL and port to scan.

What went wrong?  The script halts with an error saying "TypeError: an integer is required".

This is a Python syntax issue.  This is the case that the default for "raw_input" is to expect the input as a character string, and you have to explicitly type the input as an integer.  To fix that , enclose the raw_input statement for tport in the int() function, as shown below.

   tport = int(raw_input('Input Target Port: '))

Now the port scanner python script should work. Use it to grab the port 22 banner again, as shown below.

Awesome... You now have a Python Port Scanning Script

Source: Sam Bowne, and AWESOME Cyber Security Instructor.  I met him at the 2017 WIT Conference, and had to give him a hug, for all the cool Cyber Labs he has published on his site specifically the link to  his WITC class Python Scripting for Cyber Security Professionals

Application for 2017 SVEC Education Awards

The Silicon Valley Engineering Council Engineering Education awards recognize young engineering and technology students for their dedication, focus, and commitment to engineering. Engineering and Technology students graduating from high school (i.e. high school senior class) or presently enrolled in undergraduate community college or university programs are eligible to apply. Fulltime and part-time students are eligible. The one time award is $1000. Students may receive an SVEC Education award only once. Graduate students are not eligible.  Undergraduate and High School students are judged separately.

Please answer the following Questions

  • Essay Using your best writing, please write a short essay (about 150 to 250 words) describing your academic and professional goals, and how your program and this award will help you achieve them. 
    • This is not a lot of words, so you need to think about it
    • The goal is to make your self stand out
  • Engineering/Technology courses and experiences Please give us a list of courses you have taken, and are taking now, in engineering and/or technology. 
    • list any classes, workshops, or summer academy you have participated in
  • Please list any experiences you have had in employment or service related to engineering, including title or description, date, and nature of work. 
  • Please list offices you have held in engineering societies, and projects in which you have participated.  
  • Please list any volunteer or service work you have done at your school or in your community.
  •  Are there any special circumstances that you believe would help the committee in its decision?
    • Example: working while going to school, disabled sibling or parent, natural disaster, AB540 student, additional responsibilities at home, etc, 
 Turn in a Google Doc, PDF to Jupiter

I'll review and give you some feedback, and then if you want you can apply for the real thing here:

More Resources:

Jan 18 2017 - What Are We Doing In Class Today?

Entrance Ticket -Application practice for getting Free Money... 100% guaranteed, no Scam... See the assignment Blog Entry Application for 2017 SVEC Education Awards

Class Agenda:
  • Entry Ticket - 20-30  min
  • Cygwin - Creating a Bash script
    • Open a cygwin console window 
  • Future Crime - Reading - Stand up and get your books.. Turn to page ?? 
  • Career Fair on Jan 25 projects
    • 2-3 Min Demos -Explain how it works in 3-5 slides 
  1. Robot Hand - Robert Loeffler, William Wright
  2. Server Rack & NetAcademy - Gillman Aquino, Aiden Bryan, Carlos Espinoza
  3. DDoS Demo - Andrew Diaz, Tiana Hernandez
  4. DigiSpark - Nikolas Banh, Corbin Naderzad
  5. Vertual Machines - Collin Foster, Giovanni Moreno, Dameon Wright
  6. Rubber Duck - Brian Guillen, Ruben Limon-Prado, Diallo Boubacar
  7. Cygwin - Ryan Van-Unen
  8. Enigma Demo - Christy Nguyen, Jimmy Nguyen
  9. Simple Virus - Vincent Francis, Eric Hoang
  • Class cleanup projects Plan - Signup for a Job
    • Resistors from Bags to Bins
    • See what Capacitors we have - use Blue post-it notes (black bins)
    • See what TTL Logic Chips we have - use Blue post-it notes (pink bins)
    • Build Server Rack Stand

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Jan 17 2017 - What Are We Doing In Class Today?

Entrance Ticket -As a class we will watch and revuew lesson 4 and 5 of
Class Agenda:
  • Entry Ticket - 20-30  min
  • Cygwin
  • Future Crime - Reading - Stand up and get your books.. Turn to page ?? 
  • Career Fair on Jan 25 projects
    • 2-3 Min Demos -Explain how it works in 3-5 slides 
  1. Robot Hand - Robert Loeffler, William Wright
  2. Server Rack & NetAcademy - Gillman Aquino, Aiden Bryan, Carlos Espinoza
  3. DDoS Demo - Andrew Diaz, Tiana Hernandez
  4. DigiSpark - Nikolas Banh, Corbin Naderzad
  5. Vertual Machines - Collin Foster, Giovanni Moreno, Dameon Wright
  6. Rubber Duck - Brian Guillen, Ruben Limon-Prado, Diallo Boubacar
  7. Cygwin - Ryan Van-Unen
  8. Enigma Demo - Christy Nguyen, Jimmy Nguyen
  9. Simple Virus - Vincent Francis, Eric Hoang
  • Class cleanup projects Plan - Signup for a Job
    • Resistors from Bags to Bins
    • See what Capacitors we have - use Blue post-it notes (black bins)
    • See what TTL Logic Chips we have - use Blue post-it notes (pink bins)
    • Build Server Rack Stand

Friday, January 13, 2017

Jan 13 2017 - What Are We Doing In Class Today?

Entrance Ticket -Register  for this set of lectures...

Class Agenda:
  • Future Crime - Reading - Stand up and get your books.. Turn to page ?? 
  • Career Fair on Jan 25 projects
    • 2-3 Min Demos -Explain how it works in 3-5 slides 
  1. Robot Hand - Robert Loeffler, William Wright
  2. Server Rack & NetAcademy - Gillman Aquino, Aiden Bryan, Carlos Espinoza
  3. DDoS Demo - Andrew Diaz, Tiana Hernandez
  4. DigiSpark - Nikolas Banh, Corbin Naderzad
  5. Vertual Machines - Collin Foster, Giovanni Moreno, Dameon Wright
  6. Rubber Duck - Brian Guillen, Ruben Limon-Prado, 
  7. Cygwin - Ryan Van-Unen
  8. Enigma Demo - Christy Nguyen, Jimmy Nguyen
  9. Simple Virus - Vincent Francis, Eric Hoang
    • flash LED demo showing code.  2-3 slides on the Arduino IDE and uploading code.  Specifically pointing out how changes in code will change the results
    • Free Running 1-2 min PSA / Class Introduction?
  • Class cleanup projects Plan - Signup for a Job
    • Resistors from Bags to Bins
    • See what Capacitors we have - use Blue post-it notes (black bins)
    • See what TTL Logic Chips we have - use Blue post-it notes (pink bins)
    • Build Server Rack Stand

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Jan 12 2017 - What Are We Doing In Class Today?

Entrance Ticket -Udemy for 15 min...
Class Agenda:
  •  Career Fair on Jan 25 projects
    • 2-3 Min Demos -Explain how it works in 3-5 slides 
  1. Robot Hand - Robert Loeffler, William Wright
  2. Server Rack & NetAcademy - Gillman Aquino, Aiden Bryan, Carlos Espinoza
  3. DDoS Demo - Andrew Diaz
  4. DigiSpark - Nikolas Banh, Corbin Naderzad
  5. Vertual Machines - Collin Foster, Giovanni Moreno, Dameon Wright
  6. Rubber Duck - Brian Guillen, Ruben Limon-Prado, Ryan Van-Unen
  7. Enigma Demo - Christy Nguyen, Jimmy Nguyen
  8. Simple Virus - Vincent Francis, Eric Hoang
    • flash LED demo showing code.  2-3 slides on the Arduino IDE and uploading code.  Specifically pointing out how changes in code will change the results
    • Free Running 1-2 min PSA / Class Introduction?
  • Class cleanup projects Plan - Signup for a Job
    • Resistors from Bags to Bins
    • See what Capacitors we have - use Blue post-it notes (black bins)
    • See what TTL Logic Chips we have - use Blue post-it notes (pink bins)
    • Build Server Rack Stand
  •  Future Crime - Reading - Stand up and get your books.. Turn to page ?? 

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Jan 11 2017 - What Are We Doing In Class Today?

Entrance Ticket -Read this cool link and watch this video
I know it does not have anything about Cyber Security, but I heart this so bad... I love engineering solutions like this, where you can make a 25 cent tool to do the job of a $500-$5000 machine... This is so Awesome... We should all sit down and take a hard look at problems, especially medical problems that can be solved with a "good enough to provide results that is good enough for the specific application." that can then be deployed in places where the $500 solution is out of reach.

As you start your wild ride in to this crazy world... you need to have this kind of "hacker" attitude
Class Agenda:
  • Entry Ticket - 15 min
  • Cygwin
  • Career Fair on Jan 25 projects
    • 2-3 Min Demos -Explain how it works in 3-5 slides 
      • Arduino & DigiSpark
        • Enigma demo - 2-3 slides, and 2 Arduino.  1 to encode message, and the 2nd to decode
        • flash LED demo showing code.  2-3 slides on the Arduino IDE and uploading code.  Specifically pointing out how changes in code will change the results
        • DigiSpark  fun Demo like moving the mouse on one digispark, and a second one which opens command prompt and opens a command prompt, and runs a script that deletes files, and then maybe wipes out the machine OS.. like re-naming system32 files.
      • NetAcademy - 2-3 slides about NetAcademy and the Boneyard PC working on the RACK
      • Virtual Machines - demo spinning up a VM in Kali Linux and doing some demo
      • DoS a Site
      • Robot hand
    • Free Running 1-2 min PSA / Class Introduction?
  • Class cleanup projects Plan - Signup for a Job
    • Resistors from Bags to Bins
    • See what Capacitors we have - use Blue post-it notes (black bins)
    • See what TTL Logic Chips we have - use Blue post-it notes (pink bins)
    • Build Server Rack Stand
  • Hub? if so lets do this at 2:30
  • Future Crime - Reading - Stand up and get your books.. Turn to page ?? 

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Jan 10 2017 - What Are We Doing In Class Today?

Entrance Ticket -Please review this tutorial and explanation of ports and port scanning… and or find a better explanation
Turn a 100-200 word PDF overview of what ports are and what port scanning is
Class Agenda:
  • Entry Ticket - 15 min
  • Let's talk about Career Fair on Jan 25
    • Time Line
      • Visitors to class 8:00-10:00  and 1:00-3:00
      • Open House: 5:50-7:00 
    • What can we show off?
      • 2-3 Min Demos - What can we show them in 2-3 min?  Ideas?
          • Arduino (enigma demo, flash LED demo showing code,)
            • Explain how it works in 3-5 slides 
            • Show C++ Code, 
            • super fast demo of an Arduino running code and then changing the code
          • DigiSpark (difiSpark - shows wiping out a PC, moving a mouse)
            • Explain how it works in 3-5 slides 
            • Show code on PC
            • then getting plunged in to a computer
          • Network of servers setup on rack
          •  DoS a Site
          • Robot hand
          • short re-presentations of out cyber presentations
      • 5-8 Min Hands on Demo - What can we let visitors play with for 5 min?
      • Free Running 1-2 min PSA / Class Introduction
  • Linux Command Line Lecture and Lab
    • cygwin home page - install -
    •  We are going to follow along with this video
    • What we are going to add to the packages
  1. diffutils
  2. patchutils
  3. python, python3
  4. vim
  5. vim-common
  6. openssl (net) (openssl and openssl-devel and runtime)
  7. openssh (ssh) (openssh and libraries)
  8. ftp
  9. scp
  10. gcc-c, gcc-g++, gcc-core
  11. make
  12. ncurses
  13. clisp
  14. lynx
  15. wget
  16. curl
  17. rsync
  18. bzip
  19. tar
  20. bash-completion
  21. tmux
  22. git
  • Class cleanup projects Plan - Signup for a Job
    • Resistors from Bags to Bins
    • See what Capacitors we have - use Blue post-it notes (black bins)
    • See what TTL Logic Chips we have - use Blue post-it notes (pink bins)
    • Build Server Rack Stand
    • Stack Wire on Cart
    • take stuff apart
    • sort stuff 
    • clean work bench
  • Future Crime - Reading - Stand up and get your books.. Turn to page ?? 

Monday, January 9, 2017

Jan 9 2017 - What Are We Doing In Class Today?

Entrance Ticket -Current Event - Please find a current event relating to Cyber Security, Find and event, news story, or article that happened in the last month that relates to Cyber Security.

      Each presentation will have 5 (Now FIVE!!!) slides: See Current Event Rubric on the Class Blog
Class Agenda:

  • Entry Ticket - 30 min
  • Let's talk about Career Fair on Jan 25
    • Time Line
      • Visitors to class 8:00-10:00  and 1:00-3:00
      • Open House: 5:50-7:00 
    • What can we show off?
      • 2-3 Min Demos - What can we show them in 2-3 min?  Ideas?
      • 5-8 Min Hands on Demo - What can we let visitors play with for 5 min?
      • Free Running 1-2 min PSA / Class Introduction
  • What Are We Going To Work On This Semester?
    • Python Coding & Scripting
    • RaspberryPI MicroController
    • Hacking Stuff & Defense Against the Dark Arts
    • Cisco Packet Transfer
    • WireShark
    • Sundays at Starbucks
    • The BOX
    • REC Robotics
  • Class cleanup projects Plan - Signup for a Job
    • Resistors from Bags to Bins
    • See what Capacitors we have - use Blue post-it notes (black bins)
    • See what TTL Logic Chips we have - use Blue post-it notes (pink bins)
    • Build Server Rack Stand
    • Stack Wire on Cart
    • take stuff apart
    • sort stuff 
    • clean work bench
  • HUB
  • Future Crime - Reading - Stand up and get your books.. Turn to page ??  

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Jan 6 2017 - What Are We Doing In Class Today?

Note to SUB:  PC on Left had side of desk will have all web pages open in brouser.  Log in to the pc as student
User = student
password = learn

Please see for instructions on setting up the projector and class procedures

Entrance Ticket - Schooled in Security - 30 min
Do 2 lessons
Turn in any improvements. edits, and fixes you would recommend.  This is not an overview of the presentation, but rather "how you would improve it" 

Note to SUB: Please walk around and make sure Students have watching the lesson  Give the Studnets up to 30 min to complete. 
  • and then if you get done early, Jupiter Assignments
  • Udemy - work on the class you picked 
  •  class 
  • Arduino Coding with DigiSpark.  (there are 10 that the Sub can hand out and collect. --  they are on my desk in a bin)  
 Note to SUB: Please verify Studnet have signed in and trak any tarty or absents
Class Agenda:

Note to SUB: Please bring lessons 3 and 4 up on the projector.  The brouswe on the teacher computer will be open and ready.  Play the lessons,3 and have Students take notes, discuss and submit to Jupiter. Then play lesson 4 and and have Students take notes, discuss and submit to Jupiter. I will have 2 Jupiter Assignments ready for them to submit.  Please walk around and make sure students are taking notes and submit thier notes. You can duscuss the 2 lessons with the class and let them ask and discuss any questions.This section should take 30-45 min
  • Cisco IT Essentials  Chapter 5: Windows® Installation - Please review Chapter 5, and take the chapter 5 Quiz.  Your grade for this assignment will be based on how well you do on the quiz, so study, and take the quiz as many times as you need to get 100%.  Take the Chapter 5 test.. 45 min (1:45 - 2:30)
  • Take Chapter 5 test 
    • and then if you get done early, Jupiter Assignments
    • Udemy - work on the class you picked 
    •  class
    • Arduino Coding with DigiSpark.  (there are 10 that the Sub can hand out and collect. --  they are on my desk in a bin) 
Note to SUB: Please have Students log into Cisco Net Academy and study chapter 5 for 45 min, including taking their quiz.  If they get done early, they can work on any Juptier Assigments that they still need to do, or work on thier Udemy or Instructable online class. or they may work on thier Arduino project. 
  • HUB 2:30-3:00
Note to SUB: Please take students to the hub.  Please make sure the class room is locked
  • Class cleanup projects Plan - Students should be already signed up  for a Job
    • Resistors from Bags to Bins
    • See what Capacitors we have - use Blue post-it notes (black bins)
    • See what TTL Logic Chips we have - use Blue post-it notes (pink bins)
    • Build Server Rack Stand
    • Stack Wire on Cart
    • take stuff apart
    • sort stuff 
    • clean work bench
  • and then if you get done early, Jupiter Assignments
  • Udemy - work on the class you picked 
  •  class
  • Arduino Coding with DigiSpark.  (there are 10 that the Sub can hand out and collect. --  they are on my desk in a bin) 
Note to SUB: Please see what Vincent/Carlos have to say.  I have prepped these projects, so the studnets should know what to do.  it may not take them the whole 55 min, so if they get done early, please have then go back to Udemy, or Instructable class.  these classes are based on a topic they picked, so it should look like a class, not a game :-)...