Substitution Day Plan, including Emergency 3 day Lesson plan (updated Nov 6 2016)

General Instructions

Students Entering Classroom

  1. I let the Students in between the 2 bells.  Between 12:25 and 12:30
  2. I keep the doors locked, and slide the foam "door buddy" slide to keep the door open
  3. Signing in on the Roll - I tape a copy of the Roll on the table close to the front door.  A copy of the roll is in the Emergency Lesson Plan binder. If one is not printed, you can have the office print one from here
  4. I send any students more than 5 min tarty to the office to get a pass.  If there are late buses, these students should already have an excused pass.
  5. Students should immediately take their seats and look to the "Entry Ticket" activity projected on the scree.  (I'll provide projector instructions below)

Accessing the computer available to the Substitute Instructor

The computer on the left most corner of the teachers desk is available for the Substitute Instructor to use.
  1. Log in as the user =  Student
  2. Use the password =  learn  This is all lower case.

Accessing the projector

The computer on the left most corner of the teachers desk, can be connected to the projector HDMI cable. More than likely it is not currently connected, but can easily connected by following these steps:

You should be able to turn on the the projector  ( on/off button behind my desk).  It's projecting on the HDMI, and it is coming from the "Student" PC on the left side of my desk.  You should just log in as "Student" with the password "learn" <-- lower case

With the long HDMI projector cable attached to the left most PC on my desk, you should be able to project the Blog page on the projector screen

To get to the blog you can always go to the site  There you will see the link to the class blog, which is here

Normal Planned Substitution Day:

If this is a normal, planned substitution day, there should be a updated blog entry with today s date on it.  Check here

Entry Ticket:

Every class starts with an Entry Ticket.  This typically is a 30 min assignment, which they turn into Jupiter when they are done.  See today's blog entry for the current assignment.  It will consist of the students reading a article and writing about it.  Please emphasize the assignment as listed in today's blog

The students know what to do.  I some time need to remind them that "This is an individual SILENT assignment"... I'm not too hard core, but I do want the classroom quite...

Additional Daily Assignments:

The additional assignments are listed on the blog.  at the appropriate tile, have the students turn in any work from the current assignment, and transition to the next.  If the assignment indicates that it should be turned into Jupiter, have the students do so.

Emergency Lesson Plans:

Day 1 Emergency Lesson Plan:

Day 2 Emergency Lesson Plan:

Day 3 Emergency Lesson Plan:




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